Linton Smith | BLISS

Delta | BLISS

In Sync With Nature

Inner & Outer BLISS!

Let’s say that you’re stuck in traffic, late for an important meeting.

You can either sit there fuming at the cars in front of you, or you can laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, maybe turn on a funny podcast or think about something that made you smile earlier in the day.

By choosing laughter you take control of the situation.

Sure, it won’t get you to your meeting any faster but it will reduce the stress and frustration that come with feeling helpless.

Laughter isn’t just a way to pass the time, or fill awkward silences, it’s a tool, a skill you can develop over time to help you navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs.

It doesn’t take much, even just a few minutes a day of genuine laughter can do wonders for your mental and physical health.

The next time life feels a little too heavy, remember that laughter is a choice.

It’s a tool that’s always within your reach ready to help you lighten your load and as the ancient saying goes, laughter is the best medicine.

Even when it feels like the world is giving you nothing to smile about, don’t underestimate the power of a good laugh.

It might just be the key to living a happier healthier and more balanced life.

Get outside, connect with nature, think about your typical day for a second.

How much of it do you spend indoors surrounded by screens artificial lighting and recycled air?

Modern life has this weird way of keeping us trapped inside.

We’re glued to our phones, locked into our desks and by the time the day ends it can feel like we haven’t experienced the world at all, but here’s the thing, humans weren’t designed to live this way.

For centuries we thrived by being outdoors connected with nature and living In sync with the natural rhythms of the earth.

So, why have we moved so far away from that?

The stoics believed in aligning ourselves with nature, in fact, one of the core principles of stoicism is living in harmony with the natural world.

As Marcus Aurelius once wrote, nature does not hurry yet everything is accomplished.

This means that nature has its own pace, its own way of functioning and when we align ourselves with it life becomes more peaceful and balanced.

How do we reconnect with nature when our modern lives seem designed to keep us away from it?

Let’s start with the simple act of going outside.

It might sound trivial but spending time in nature whether that’s a park, a beach or even your own backyard has profound effects on your mental and physical health.

Numerous studies have shown that being outdoors can lower stress levels, improve mood and even boost creativity.

According to a study published in Environmental Health Perspectives, spending just 20 minutes in a natural setting can significantly reduce cortisol levels, the hormone that’s responsible for stress.

Think about that, 20 minutes of fresh air sunlight and greenery can have more impact on your stress than most relaxation techniques.

It’s no wonder that people who live near parks or forests tend to be healthier and report higher levels of happiness than those who live in more urban environments.

People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them.


Linton Smith | BLISS | Delta

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